outsider perspective

Anaheim includes a small population whom commutes into the city for work during the day and leaves the city at dusk. This population helps create revenue in the city of Anaheim but chooses to reside in neighboring communities. We spoke with three individuals on their lunch hour while they enjoyed the weekly farmers market. The farmers market is held every Thursday from 11:00am to 8:00pm in the business district. These individuals were able to give us an outsider’s perspective on Anaheim.

Cherye (Lakewood resident) explained that she comes to Anaheim for work and fun. Cherye enjoys the events the city holds such as carnivals, chili cook-offs, biker events, and the weekly farmers market. She explained that the events are great and free to the public which is great in the current economy. Cherye feels the crime is low in Anaheim but would not want to live here because Lakewood offers her the environment she is accustomed to.

Joan (Orange County resident) explained she has worked in Anaheim for many years as an Office Technician for the State. Joan enjoys working in Anaheim and the convenience of freeway access that is available. Joan said she feels that Anaheim is a safe city and would live here if she had the chance. She explained that the majority of people in her office reside in Anaheim and speak highly of the community. Joan felt that Disneyland is Anaheim’s greatest asset because of the revenue it brings to the city, and that she enjoys spending time with her family and friends at Disneyland and in the city of Anaheim.

Brett (South Orange County resident) was currently in Anaheim to help a friend with a grand opening of his local coffee shop. Brett explained he does not frequent the city of Anaheim often, usually for entertainment, bars, and activities. Brett enjoys going to Angel’s baseball games and watching the Anaheim Ducks hockey team.

Jesse (El Monte resident) was stationed as a vendor at the farmers market, advertising his business for landscape. Every Thursday, he drives into the farmers market from the city of El Monte to promote his business of landscaping, to what he referred to as the financial district of Anaheim. Jesse explained that the variety of clientele is due to the big businesses that surrounded the district. He said that the businesses draw people from inside and outside the community to stimulate businesses.

An asset of the community Jesse enjoys is the outwardly friendly people. However, although he says that when people see him as a vendor, they tend to shy away from him because they think that he is just trying to sell something. Jesse’s favorite part of Anaheim is Disneyland; Jesse is an annual pass holder and said that he goes to Disneyland at least once a week. In regards to risks of Anaheim, he was concerned about the halfway houses located around the farmers market, one in particular that was directly behind his business booth.

Jesse concluded by expressing his concern for his business. He explained that the suffering economy has slowed business down drastically because the last thing people want to spend money on is landscaping. He said that his business has suffered greatly, and hopes that his advertisement at the farmers market will improve his sales. Overall, Jesse stated that he would love to live in Anaheim and considered it to be a great community.